
Showing posts from July, 2017


Hello beautiful people  ^_^ So the weekend's round the corner and it is time we give in to our cravings for good food! By good food I mean food that tastes good but isn't very nutritious for our health.  Being a foodie myself, the struggle to avoid food with high calorie content is real. However hard I may workout in the gym for the entire week, there is always that one breaking point where I succumb to my desire to eat unhealthy food.  And I am sure I am not the only one :(  Although individuals have different requirements for proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc., depending upon their body type, there will always be times of "cravings"!  Thank me later, but I have the most appropriate alternative for you to satisfy your craving and also those mid-night hungers!! ;-)  BRAND Yogabar It is a company that aims at making "nutritious alternatives" to our cravings and the ingredients that they use are organic and and contribute to empt...